Monday, September 6, 2010

Term 3

A classic pic from Book week!! Click to see properly

Hi there,

Term 3
Teaching is amazing.
Have really impressed with the students progress in fractional and proportional thinking this term. Most students have got the gist of using multiplication to help find fractions, so really proud of them.

Speeches... these are really tough to teach because you want to have a personal voice and then you don't want them to be too personal or just facts or just spouting odd about friends or pets!!
Tough to get it right with 24 students. I've got students who have written their speech already, straight onto cue cards and others who have no idea what to talk about.

I'm going to give it another week and a half then hand it over to the parents!!!

Massive thanks to all parents and families for supporting gala, cake stall and of course teacher appreciation day.
"I show my apprreciation by sending my daughter to your class everyday for five hours... "
Loving it.
I've been enjoying teaching your children this year, a great bunch of kids, and if they like me thats good, because it could be much worse, they could hate me.
Bring on the summer because surfing is free and I'm going to snowboard in the northern hemisphere...
Peace in

Thursday, July 1, 2010

End of Term Two

Hi everyone,

Term two is over, I feel for my old teachers having 13 weeks of school in the old days. I feel burned out.

Our class won the Jump Jam challenge yesterday, the students were so happy, it was a great day for the class. We worked really hard on our dance and more importantly the students choose the song, composed the dance moves and put in a 100% on the day. We filmed the whole class doing it this morning, so if you want to see it contact me.

Reports are out. I worked really hard on them. Everyone should be proud of the progress they have made academically this year. Both in reading and maths.

Our class has been doing really well in multiplication.

We have just watched Holes, we did not just watch a video. We worked on visualising pictures the words drew in our mind, we analysed the characters feelings, sights and aspirations, summarised the story or chapters. It was intense, I think the students have had enough of the story now...

We have a new student from Vietnam and it has been heartening to see the students really welcome her appropriately this week, everyone should be proud.

In other news, I have now finished my 2 years as a beginning teacher!! It seemed to pass quickly and slowly depending on what was going on (eg those reports) but I have loved teaching so far, especially this year.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Check out this website.

Free skill based maths learning at home...

Gotta be good for you.

I am pleased to anounce that many students have made some significant progress so far this year. Very rewarding. Keep up the good work parents!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Top ideas for development around school.

The long and the short of the ideas for development from the students were:

A sunshade for our eating area.

New changing rooms for the pool (or doing them up)

Better/more goals and posts to for sports

A new drinking fountain

Other ideas included a fridge room, a giant head to play in, swings on the playground, a disco room, a cover over the pool and a spa pool.
So we looked at trying to be more realistic, it was tough.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

BACk into it

Wow I made it back into the blog.

I hate having so many passwords, login names. If you say remember me, it comes up with the wrong one... I wrote them all on a piece of paper so I would never forget them ever again.

So if you find that piece of paper let me know. You could take over my online accounts and do something with them that facebook and google aren't already doing with them.

So I said I would put up a list of ideas the student had to improve our area of the school...

Cant do it now because the list is at school. The reason for this was because some were very realistic and others were dreams. So much so that I got the students to put them into these two catergories. So should be up tommorow.

In other news, we changed jobs around the other day. It was very dramatic. So I'm sorry if you child did not get the one they wanted. I think next time I'm going to wise and just pull out jobs out of a hat and someones name. It was blood, sweat and tears for about forty mins.

THanks for the great effort with current events last week.
Cheers Robert

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Term 2

We are back to school,
Sure everyone is keen for homework to kick off next week.

We are currently looking at different ideas for a project to make improvements around the school.

I will publish the list once I have it.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Seems I have a few followers, perhaps more out there. Look forward to finding out tomorrow.

What to report, its the end of the term and I'm stoked. Can't wait to get down to the bach and surf hard on my brand new secondhand surfboard I brought the other week. Next term is a long one (11 weeks). Hopefully we can make some solid gains for all students during this time and I can report back to parents some great results.

Thanks to those who helped out at the carnival or just came and spent some money. I don't think it was as fun for the kids as last years but looks like we made money than last year. The PTA do an awesome job whatever way you look at it. They are an inspirational bunch. One group of our class made some money by doing their dance outside the class and we are going to have a 'party' on Thursday before lunch. We will watch a movie and eat rubbish, I mean healthy snacks.

"I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions."
- Augusten Burroughs

This quote illustrates how I feel at times, if I didn't have the best intentions I wouldn't be teaching you can be assured.

Look forward to meeting parents tommorow.

It has been a good term as far as I am concerned, the class is still noisy but so am I... (both within reason to be sure)